Open Position

Job Title: Manager of Volunteer Engagement

Reports to: FOPAL Vice President
Supervises: Volunteers, Sales, Donations and Publicity
Workplace: On-site, Cubberley Community Center, 4000 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303
Schedule: Half-time to Full-time position
Salary Range: Up to $75,000 per year, depending on schedule and qualifications

Job Summary:

As the sole paid staff member of Friends of the Palo Alto Library (FOPAL), the non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Palo Alto City Libraries (PACL), this position is critical in managing volunteer and book sale operations as well as advocacy. Net proceeds from sales and donations are used to buy books, media, online resources and equipment for the Palo Alto City Libraries (comprising five branches) and to fund special programs.

Your role will involve many facets of the operations, such as procurement of donated items, primarily books, from the general public and institutions, getting these items prepared for in-person and online sales, running our monthly weekend sale, supporting our satellite stores, working with our partners, such as PACL, planning and participating in various events, and representing FOPAL in our social media and internet presence.

You will support these activities with the help of our volunteer organization, whom you will recruit, train, organize, and manage, developing and enforcing policies, processes and procedures as needed along the way. You will interface with many other parties including the Board, Library staff, other non-profits, and the Palo Alto community.

Primary Responsibilities:

Volunteer Engagement

Recruit, train and manage the FOPAL volunteer work force (~50-100+ people)
who perform the following functions:

  • Receive donations of books, toys, games and media from individuals and
    institutions, from smaller on-site drop offs, to large off-site pickups.
  • Recruit section managers who sort donations by subject, assess value, refer for on-site or online sale, and display items for monthly on-site sales.
  • Oversee the monthly weekend sale, including setup and clean-up.
  • Support sales at our on site in-library stores by coordinating and overseeing volunteer staffing and inventory maintenance.
  • Manage sales by volunteers through online channels such as eBay, discogs
    and others.

Sustain an active on-site presence at the monthly book sales, including Friday and Saturday (full day setup) and Sunday (half day setup and wrap-up).

Plan and execute a program of volunteer appreciation initiatives and events, based on a schedule and budget to be approved by the Board.

Operations Management

Work with Board committees to ensure positive, proactive operations and
communications regarding all aspects of volunteer, sales and facility management, including but not limited to these functions:

  • Ensure operations consistent with FOPAL policies, processes and procedures, and that these are clearly and openly communicated, known and understood.
  • Continually seek opportunities to improve ease, accessibility, efficiency and
    cost-effectiveness of processes for capturing, organizing, and sharing feedback, ideas, suggestions and inquiries from the community, volunteers, PACL staff, Board members, students, non-profits, and the general public.
  • Present monthly in-person reports to the Board and committees on results,
    recommendations, and any issues of concern or opportunities to improve
    operations and sales.
  • Coordinate with the Board Treasurer on relevant budgetary issues.
  • Liaise with Cubberley Community Center facilities management to ensure
    optimal space utilization; maintenance of clean, well-functioning physical
    facilities; and positive, cooperative relations with Cubberly.
  • Prioritize the safety and security of FOPAL’s volunteers, donations, and other physical and financial assets.

External Presence

  • Work with PACL.
  • Advertise and promote the monthly book sales to the public.
  • Raise the visibility and presence of FOPAL in the community, locally and online.
  • Coordinate and respond to inbound email/messaging/calls with timely response and follow-up.
  • Maintain and grow social media and online presence.


  • Prior experience in volunteer or non-profit management is highly desirable.
  • Excellent leadership, organizational, interpersonal, oral and written skills, focused on teamwork, organization and positivity to manage and engage volunteers.
  • Customer/volunteer service orientation to engage with the public and partners.
  • Experience with or ability to learn relevant software tools such as Sign Up and Donor Perfect.
  • A love of books!

How to Apply

Respond with your resume and cover letter to

Friends of the Palo Alto Library (FOPAL)
Cubberley Community Center, 4000 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303
(650) 213-8755