Saturday, July 13 11 - 4 pm
Over 40,000 books - most under $2.00
661 Arastradero Road, Palo Alto West of El Camino, next to Terman Library
All proceeds go to help Palo Alto libraries.
Art Sale Special
Paintings, Photographs, Posters, and Art Supplies
Sale books include:
Betting on Horses Business
French Encyclopedia, Art, & Classics (all in French)
15 Volume History of World Art
Journalism * Judaica
Large Print Fiction Sheet Music
Library Bond Measure To Be on Ballot |
The Palo City Council unanimously voted on Monday, June 17 to put a
$48.7 million library bond issue on the November ballot.
If passed, the measure will upgrade the Children's library and
provide a new Mitchell Park library and community center.
The Main Library and Art Center are not part of this bond
measure, which is reduced in scope from earlier proposals.
Upcoming Meetings
July 15 City Council Meeting to put library bond measure on ballot
Upcoming TV Coverage
The Community Journal TV show covers modernization of the Mitchell Park Library
and Community Center:
July 10 at 8 pm, Channel 27
July 13 at 5:05 pm, Channel 28
July 14 at 7 pm, Channel 27
July 17 at 8 pm, Channel 27
July 20 at 5:05 pm, Channel 28
July 21 at 7 pm, Channel 27
Recent Articles
June 19 Palo Alto Weekly article
June 26 Palo Alto Weekly editorial
Online Documents
Library Telephone Survey Results
Library Telephone Survey Questions
Children's Library Improvements
Main Library Improvements
Mitchell Park Library Improvements
Mitchell Park Community Center Improvements
Libraries Now!
Library Forum
Special Book Bag Sale on July 14, 11 to 2
pm |
Take advantage of super low prices on Sunday, July
14, starting at 11 am. Fill entire shopping bags with
books from our bargain room for just $2.00 a bag (and we supply the bags
too). Come to the bargain room and adjacent patio at our usual
location next to the Terman Library at 661 Arastradero Road in Palo Alto.
Be a Priority Buyer
at the Book Sale |
We've had enormous demand for the interesting, old, and
valuable books in our special "glass case" collection.
At the July 13 sale, we'll start selling these at noon and only to members of the Friends of the Palo Alto Library who sign up to be
priority buyers. All buyers will have access to these books after
1 pm.
To sign up to be a priority buyer, just send an email to
with your name. You must be a member of the Friends of the Palo Alto
Library to be a priority buyer. If you are not
currently a member, you can join
by mail or at the sale before noon.
It's free for Friends of the Palo Alto Library members to be a priority
buyer, so sign up today!
Book Sale's Amazing Success |
The Friends of the Palo Alto Library book sale has been an institution in Palo Alto for many years. Besides helping raise money for the local libraries, the book sale also keeps an astonishing number of books in circulation. The Friends sell approximately 15,000 books each month to members of the public and donate another 2,000 books to non-profit organizations, such as local hospitals and schools. That comes to 204,000 books per year circulated by the sale, or 3.3 books per resident. That's quite respectable when you consider that California public libraries circulate on average just 4.9 items per
capita a year, including videos. Moreover, the Friends book sale achieves its considerable circulation being open just five hours a month, using a few rooms in an old school and an all-volunteer staff. When you compare the book sale to libraries, it ranks at the top in terms of cost-effectiveness.
The Friends book sale exists because of the generous spirit of Palo Alto's volunteers and donors, and our collective community interest in reading and learning. Starting from very humble beginnings, the sale has become an eagerly anticipated monthly event for thousands of Palo Altans. As we move into new space this fall, we're committed to having the sales continue to grow and
to support our city.
More Summer Library Events for Children |
The Palo Alto Library sponsors a number of delightful summertime
events for children and teenagers, including:
June 13 to August 31: Summer Reading Program at all
July 10 at 3:30 PM: Skit
based on children's stories at the Children's Library
July 15 at 7 PM:
Storytelling at the Children's Library
July 17 at 3:30 PM: Rainbow
the Clown at Terman Park Library
July 24 at 7 PM: Popular
performers Lori and RJ at Mitchell Park Library
July 31
at 3:30 PM: Dramatic science experiments at Children's Library
Library Director Levy to Retire |
Palo Alto Library Director Mary Jo Levy
plans to retire in late August, after serving in the Palo Alto libraries for
30 years. Levy plans to travel, read, and advocate for the November
library bond measure. We wish her a happy retirement! More
information |