Saturday April 12 11 am - 4 pm
Cubberley Outdoor Sale at 10 am (weather permitting)
Regular book sale, with books 50 cents and up
Sale books include:
Art * Business * Children's Computers * Cookbooks
Graphic Arts Large Print
Military History Mysteries * Photography
Science Fiction * Videos
4000 Middlefield Road Palo Alto At the Cubberley Community
Bargain book sale, with books 25 cents and up
661 Arastradero Road Palo Alto At the Terman Library
All proceeds go to help Palo Alto libraries.
Libraries Partially Closed This Friday |
Palo Alto libraries will not open until 2 pm
on Friday, April 11 so that the staff may attend a special development
program. All other library hours will be normal this
month. You can always find the latest
library hours via the Internet.
Book Sale Starts One Hour Earlier! |
When we moved most of our book sale over to
Cubberley, we initially saw a dip in donations of books for the
sale. But now that more people know of our new location, donations
have surged and our shelves are literally overflowing with books.
So, we're moving outdoors at Cubberley and will start this Saturday's sale an hour earlier at 10
am (weather permitting - please check our website
on the day of the sale for an update). Then, both the Cubberley
and Terman book sale rooms will be open as usual from 11 am to 4 pm.
map to Cubberley Room
map to Terman
information on the sales Donate
your old books
Extra Book Sale in May for Members
Only |
On the evening before our regular book sales in May,
we're holding a special sale at our Cubberley book sale room just
for members of the Friends of the Palo Alto Library. This will give
our members an extra opportunity to purchase the latest books in our
growing collection. This special book sale will
run from 7 pm to 9 pm on Friday, May 9. If you are already a
member, please bring the proof of membership from the Foreword
issue that you will receive in the mail during April. If you are not
a member yet, you may join online
or at the sale itself. Our regular book sales will still take place
at Cubberley and Terman on Saturday, May 10.
Library Budget Cut Update; TV Show
Tonight |
Palo Alto's city government faces massive budget cuts, and the
libraries have been asked to find ways to reduce expenses
accordingly. The Friends of the Palo Alto Library are opposed to two proposed library budget cuts. First, we have
pointed out that closing
the Terman library would save very little money, especially since one
of our book sales is held at that site, and the funds raised there go to
the libraries. Second, we believe that it's important to fill the vacant
Library Director position to ensure that strong leadership represents the library's
perspective within the
city government.
If you are interested in the Palo Alto city budget
crisis, join Mayor Dena Mossar and City Manager Frank Benest for a live TV
show about the budget on Wednesday, April 9 (tonight!) on cable Channel 27
at 9 pm. You can call in your questions at 856-1491 during the show,
or e-mail them in ahead of time to
March Book Sale Earns Over $10,000 |
Thanks to the extraordinary popularity of our sales and
the hard work of our Book Sale Manager, Marty Paddock, and our many other volunteers, we earned over $10,000 at our March
book sales. With books costing as little as 25 cents each, this
represents a lot of books. All of the funds we raise from the book
sales go to support the Palo Alto
Library Among Top Requested City Services |
Two recent
surveys of Palo Alto residents show strong support for many
aspects of our local libraries. To help identify areas for
possible budget cuts, the City asked a sampling of residents via
e-mail to rate the importance of 50 specific city
services. The Palo Alto Daily News obtained the survey
questions and asked all readers to respond as well. The
two surveys obtained generally the same results. Virtually
all of the top requested services were either for public safety
(fire, emergency response, and police) or maintenance. The
one exception was acquisition and lending of books and
media for the library (#7 on the City's survey and #11 on the
Palo Alto Daily News survey). Neighborhood library
branches ranked #15 and #31, respectively. Having
computers and Internet access at libraries ranked #23 and #39,
while foreign language materials at the libraries ranked #47 and
#45. One explanation for these rankings is that virtually
all library users benefit directly from lending and an expanded
collection, while only some use the neighborhood branches,
library Internet computers, and foreign language
materials. Many library services, such as maintaining
hours and reference librarians, were not on the survey.
Read the full survey results from the City
of Palo Alto and the Palo
Alto Daily News.
Many Non-Profits Benefit from Book Sale |
For a number of years, the Friends of the Palo Alto Library have provided free used books to non-profit organizations and public
agencies. Eligible organizations come to our Terman Library book sale
room on the Monday morning after each book sale and select the books from
among the thousands available. This program has distributed vast numbers of
books to local hospitals, senior centers, schools, and jails, as well as to
libraries in rural areas and on reservations, and to literacy projects in
many other countries. For more information on eligibility, hours, and the
types of materials available, please contact Maggie Anderson.