Saturday September 13
8:30 am - 2 pm Bargain Book Sale
You'll now find all bargain books in our new bargain room
at Cubberley. The room is located at E5 in the "E"
wing, which is closer to Middlefield Road (see map).
All paperbacks in this room are just 50 cents each and all hardcovers are
2 pm - 4 pm Bargain Room $5 a Bag Sale
After 2 pm, all bargain book books
are sold by the bag. You can fill as many grocery bags as you want
at $5 each. We supply the
grocery bags.
11 am - 4 pm Regular Sale
You'll find tens of thousands of books at our regular book
room, with prices way below what used book stores charge.
Paperbacks are 50 cents and up, and hardcovers are $1.00 and up.
Featured sales books for September include:
Autographed Books Children's Videos and CDs
Computer and Science Books
Fiction "The Furniture of Our Forefathers" (an 8 volume set) Mad Magazine and Punch Miniature Books Mysteries * Science Fiction
Vintage Garden Books More
Books from The Center for Behavioral Sciences
And More!
4000 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto Near the northwest end of the Cubberley Community Center
map to Cubberley Room
information on the sales Donate
your old books
All proceeds go to help Palo Alto libraries.
There will be no Terman sale on this date.
Banned Book Week |
The American Library Association has designated
September 20 to 27 as "Banned Book Week" to celebrate the
freedom to choose or the freedom to express one’s opinion even if that
opinion might be considered unorthodox or unpopular. Past banned
works and the party responsible for so doing include Thoreau's On Civil
Disobedience (United States Information Service / Senator Joseph
McCarthy), Voltaire's Candide (1930 U.S. Customs Office),
Aristophanes' Lysistrata (Federal Anti-Obscenity Act), Mary
Shelley's Frankenstein (South African apartheid government), and
Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass (1881 Boston District
Attorney). See more information from the American
Library Association and the University
of Pennsylvania.
World Book Encyclopedia Now Online |
With a donation from the Friends of the Palo Alto
Library, the Palo Alto Library now has the entire World Book Encyclopedia
online, available to all Palo Alto library cardholders from home, school,
and office. Just go to the special
World Book website and enter your Palo Alto library card number.
Nominate a Book For Community Reading
Program |
About 300,000 people in Santa Clara County recently read and discussed Francisco Jimenez's Breaking Through, as
part of the Silicon
Valley Reads program, which encourages community-wide book
discussions. Now, it's time to choose the book for next year.
You can nominate the book you'd like everyone to read by clicking
here or at any Palo Alto library. The deadline is this Friday, September
12. The top three nominated books will then be voted upon in October
and the actual reading and surrounding events will take place in January
and February 2004.
New Bargain Booksale Room
Opens This Saturday |
We're excited to have just gotten an
extra room at Cubberley so that more books can be put on sale. The
new room is E5, in the "E" wing at Cubberley, which is closer to
the street but only a few buildings away from our main book sale
room. We've cleaned the room up and moved in all of our bargain
books, both from previous sales at Cubberley and from Terman. You
indeed will find plenty of bargains here. The room opens at 8:30 am
this Saturday, September 13 and then a bag sale will run from 2 pm to 4
pm. Meanwhile, our main book sale room will be open from 11 am to 4
pm. Please check the map
of Cubberley to see the best parking locations.
Speak Out to Save our Downtown Library |
been a library in downtown Palo Alto since 1893, before the city was even
incorporated. The institution has survived major earthquakes, the
Great Depression, and every economic downturn. But the Downtown Library will
be shut down if
the Palo Alto City Council decides to accept the recent proposal of the Library
Advisory Commission. Over 1,200 people have signed a petition that
the Friends of the Palo Alto Library will present to the City Council at
its Study Session on the closure on September 29, from 6 pm to 9 pm at the
Palo Alto Art Center Auditorium (1313 Newell Road). Please attend and speak out on this important issue.
If you haven't signed the petition yet, you can do so right
A common misunderstanding is that the Commission's proposal
to close the library is necessitated by budget constraints. That is
not at all the case. Not only has the city managed to preserve its
branches despite worse
budget crises in the past, but two of four City Council members on the
Budget Committee recently voted to increase funding to the Downtown
Library in order to restore Saturday hours. After careful analysis
of the proposal, we believe it will actually cost more to close the
branch, which is among Palo Alto's most efficient and gets over 100,000
visitors a year. Service at the Main Library
is also likely to deteriorate, because it will only be open for two extra
hours per week with no extra staff, while the expected influx of users
from the Downtown Library could increase usage by 37%.
Studies have shown
that the most important factor in library usage is convenience
[Baker and Wallace, The Responsive Public Library, 2002]. The Internet, reference services via phone, and interlibrary loans can
bring resources to any branch, but once a branch is closed and people have
to drive farther and find parking elsewhere, their use of libraries will
fall, as will their support for the entire library system. Moreover,
if the City closes the Downtown Library this year and moves administrative
offices in, the branch will probably never open again. A beloved
institution, built on the efforts of staff, donors, volunteers, and
taxpayers for more than a century, will likely be lost forever.
The Board of the Friends of the Palo Alto Library unanimously opposes the closing and
has been working with other organizations to keep the Downtown
Library open. The Library Advisory Commission proposal also
contemplates closing the College Terrace branch. If we speak out and let the City
know that Palo Altans value libraries and do not want to see them picked
off one by one, we can save them all. There's more
information at our web
site as well.
Come to the Children's Library Party on September 14 |
Learn more about the Children's Library expansion and
repair project at the fundraising kickoff party on Sunday, September 14
at the Children's Library, from 3 pm to 5 pm. We need to raise just
$400,000 more to secure
all the matching funds for this exciting effort. As you may recall,
the entire project began this year with an anonymous grant to the Friends of
and a pledge of an additional $200,000 in matching funds. Next, the
City itself pledged over a million dollars on a 1:1 matching basis and the
Palo Alto Library Foundation helped with the fund-raising as well. You
can see the expansion plans at the party at the Children's Library and learn
about pledging and volunteer opportunities. There will be refreshments
and the entertaining magic and comedy team of the Flying Calamari Brothers too. If you wish simply
to donate directly to the project, please see more
information on pledging and naming opportunities. Map
to the Children's Library. Also, the Palo Alto Whole Foods will
donate 5% of its sales on September 24 to the Children's Library project
(see the recent San
Jose Mercury article).
Free Library Internet Service
Adds Up |
Free high-speed Internet access terminals are of
course one of the many benefits offered by Palo Alto libraries. In
the 2003-2004 fiscal year, Palo Alto library patrons will use about
108,000 hours of time on the terminals. This one service alone
provides about $1,300,000 of annual benefits to library users, given that
a local copy shop charges $12 per hour for Internet usage. The above numbers do not
include the thousands of hours of wireless 802.11b access to the Internet
by patrons with laptops at the Main and Mitchell
Park Libraries. Don't
forget that the library Internet terminals are a great option if your home
computer goes down, you need faster access, or you just want to check and
reply to your e-mail while across town.
Annual Meeting on October 30 to
Include da Vinci Talk |
Vescia, M.D., will give a talk entitled "In Search of Leonardo" at our annual meeting on
October 30 at 7:30 pm at the Palo Alto Art Center Auditorium. Dr. Vescia
is a former Stanford lecturer on the history of medicine. His previous
talk to our group about the Alexandrian Library was very much enjoyed. All
members of the Friends of the Palo Alto Library are also eligible to participate
at this meeting in the election of board members. The Palo Alto Art Center
is at 1313 Newell Road, right next to the Main Library.
Book Sale Benefits Other Communities |
The Friends of the Palo Alto Library tries to find a
home for every book we receive. Many books that have not yet sold at the
monthly sales are then distributed on the following Monday morning to
non-profit organizations. Among the recipients is
the Elem Indian Colony, a small tribe three hours north of Palo Alto with an
average per capita income of about $3,000. Janie Sharpe, who
works for the tribe, recently wrote:
letter is to convey our heartfelt thanks for the book donations you have
given Elem Indian Colony. These books are very popular and have been
used by all age groups. Particularly we welcome books for younger
tribal members, ages 2 to 5 and adventure books for ages 8 to 14.
Books are the educational door to the future and can be a turnkey to
individual tribal members' future. When they break out of the
isolation of the reservation and out into the world through books, many
positive changes occur.
We hope you will be able to
continue your book sharing program. We are extremely grateful to be
a recipient of this worthwhile program.
Non-profits interested in receiving books from the
Friends of the Palo Alto Library should contact Maggie
Anderson by e-mail or at
(650) 856-7741.