Saturday March 13
9 am - 12:30 pm Bargain Room Sale in K7
- New Location!
Be sure to check out our new K7 bargain room, with its incredible bargains.
All children's books are just 25 cents each, paperbacks are 50 cents, and hardcovers are
$1.00. See the map
for the exact location of room K7.
11 am - 4 pm Main Book Room Sale
You'll find books on every topic in the world among the 40,000
items we're offering, with prices way below what used book stores charge.
Paperbacks are 50 cents and up, and hardcovers are $1.00 and up. You
can pick up a ticket as early as 8 am to reserve your place in the line
that forms prior to opening, but no ticket is needed to get in.
Featured sales books for March include:
* Cookbooks Fantasy * Fiction Gardening * Mysteries Hortus 3rd. Dictionary "Life and Work of Sigmund Freud" Reference Books
* Sci-Fi "Secrets of Successful Gambling" K-5 Teacher Manuals &
Workbooks Travel * Vintage Gardening
Audio Tapes * Videos
And much, much more!
12:30 pm - 2 pm Bargain Room Half
Price Sale
During the middle of the day, all books in bargain room K7 are
half-priced. Be sure to come over after you visit the regular sale.
2 pm - 4 pm Bargain Room $5 a Bag Sale
After 2 pm, all books in bargain room K7 are sold by the bag. You can fill as many grocery bags as you want
at $5 each. We supply the
grocery bags.
4000 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto Near the northwest end of the Cubberley Community Center
information on the sales Donate
your old books
All proceeds go to help Palo Alto libraries.
Library Gets More Video Tapes and DVDs |
In February, the Palo Alto libraries acquired 226 brand
new videos and DVDs
for you to check out and enjoy. Click here
to see the full list and which branch they are located at. You
can also place holds on the items via the web with your library card.
Help our Libraries When Buying from
Amazon |
Whenever you buy books, CDs, DVDs, computer hardware
and software, and even toys from, 5% of what you pay to them
can go to help Palo Alto Libraries. This helps the libraries buy
more books and provide more useful services back to you. It's easy
to direct 5% of your purchases to the library. Just start
each shopping session by clicking on the Amazon button at the
top of our website.
Suggestions? |
We're always eager to hear your suggestions for ways to
improve our book sale. Please email them to us at
or mention them to a volunteer at the sale.
Bargain Sale Moves to Room K7 |
We're very excited that the Palo Alto City Council
voted just last week to support our book sale by providing us with more
space at the Cubberley Community Center. This will allow us to offer
you even more books for sale and thus to raise more funds for Palo Alto
The new rooms are at the end of the K wing, just behind the dance studios
that share the
parking lot with us. Please click here to see the exact
Our old bargain room in E5 will no longer be used, and
we've already moved its contents and more bargain books over to room K7, which will be
open this Saturday. Room K6 will be open in time for our April
In addition to
the City Council, many volunteers and City officials over the
last six months helped make it possible for us to obtain these new rooms
and to rush in shelves and books in time for this Saturday's
sale. We'd like to thank them all:
Bill Fellman
Marty Paddock
Richard James
Setup and
Dane Fouts
Dave Rearic
Edwin El-Kareh
College Students
Gunn High
School Key Club
Hershel Smith
Karen Bobonich
Marty Paddock
Paula Simpson, New Library Director |
We're delighted to welcome Paula Simpson as Palo Alto's
new Director of Libraries. Paula formerly headed the Monterey Public
Library and was chosen after a nationwide search to run Palo Alto's
libraries, which have been without a permanent director since Mary Jo Levy retired in
2002. Paula officially begins working for Palo Alto on March 22 and will be speaking at a
public evening forum hosted by the Friends on April 29 at the Art Center
Auditorium at 1313 Newell Road (time to be announced later). Please
be sure to put the
date in your calendar.
Paula was appointed as the Library Director on March 1, when
she addressed the City Council as follows:
Mr. Mayor and members of the City Council,
What an honor it is to stand here tonight as your new Director
of Libraries for the City of Palo Alto. I am so excited
about this opportunity - to be part of the library team, and to
become an active member of your community.
Contrary to what some
might say about the demise of public libraries, what with the
Internet and cafe bookstores and such, I believe libraries today
are more important than ever. Libraries open the door to
books and learning for all. They connect their communities
with the knowledge and cultures of the world.
Your libraries are
strong and vital ones, and I look forward to helping lead them
to the next level. And I'm really glad you confirmed my
appointment, since I've already submitted my letter of
resignation, and the movers are coming on Thursday! Thank
you once again, and I look forward to working with you.
Children's Library Project Officially Underway |
The final approval for the renovation and
expansion of the Children's Library came on Monday, March 1, when the Palo Alto City Council formally approved the
agreement to go forward, using $980,000 in funding from the
Friends of the Palo Alto Library and the Palo Alto Library
Foundation and another million or so from the City of Palo
Alto. The next step is to choose the firm to design the
new 1,600 square foot wing and the renovations to the exiting
library and garden. The Foundation and the Friends will
each have representatives on the team that evaluate the
design. Construction is expected to begin before the end
of this year, and the project should be completed by 2006. Approximately 1,000 donors and volunteers from the
Palo Alto community helped make this project possible.
February Sale Hits New Record |
Last month's booksale on February 14 earned over $13,500,
the highest ever for one day in our entire 45 year history.
These were truly heartwarming results for a sale that happened to fall on
Valentine's Day. We couldn't do it without our many customers,
donors, and volunteers, plus all those tens of thousands of wonderful
books looking for new homes. |
What's a Tab? |
If you've ever been in our line that forms prior to the 11
am opening of the main book sale room, you've probably heard a volunteer come by
to ask if you're running a tab? Not everyone knows what that means.
A "tab" is a slip of paper our cashiers use to keep a running total of your
purchases, so that you can go through the cashier line as many times as you
want but then only pay when you're all through. This saves you a lot
of time and means you'll only need to write one check or to pull out your
pocketbook once. Marty Paddock, our booksale manager, says, "the tabs
really speed things up for everyone when some people
are buying a large number of books."
In order to run a tab, please give the volunteer
your name, address, and phone number. The volunteer will then
add you to the approved list of people, and then you can run a tab at each
Your tab is kept in one building only, so you'll need to
run a separate tab in the K wing from the one in the main booksale
Questions about tabs? Please e-mail them to
Library Answers Reference Questions Around the Clock |
no need to wait until a library opens to ask a reference librarian a
question. You can instead ask your question at any time on any day
from the Ask Now
online live reference service, which is a consortium that Palo Alto and over
100 other California libraries. The average session lasts about 15
minutes. Often, the reference librarian will guide you to various
websites that can help you, and then e-mail you a transcript with the web
addresses in it so that you don't need to take notes. Give it a
Children's Library Honors for
Katy Obringer |
Children's Library manager Katy Obringer retired last
year, after many years of service to Palo Alto children. To honor her,
the Palo Alto Library Foundation and we presented the following to her
and the City Council:
Whereas....once upon a time, long long ago, in a city called Palo Alto, there was a magical building with a secret garden,
whereas....this magical building was known far and wide as a special place for children of all ages,
whereas....within this building there was a librarian known for her warm smile, enthusiasm and graciousness,
and whereas....seated in front of a fireplace she read books, sang songs and told stories of magic, of enchantments and of worlds near and far,
now recognition of her generous spirit and love of children, Palo Alto Library Foundation and Friends of the Palo Alto Library hereby proclaim the dedication of the fireplace and hearth in Children’s Library in the name of Katy Obringer, long-time Children’s librarian.
This first day of March in the year 2004