Saturday May 8
9 am - 4 pm Children's Book Sale in K6 Bargain
Book Sale in K7
Explore many wonderful children's and extra-low
bargain-priced books in our new sales rooms in the K wing. In the
children's room, paperbacks start at 50 cents and hardcovers at $1.00
map). In
the bargain room, all children's books are just 25 cents each, paperbacks are 50 cents, and hardcovers
are $1.00. As if that weren't low enough, bargain room books are
half-priced after 12:30 pm, and then after 2 pm just $5 for each grocery
bag you fill (we supply the bags).
11 am - 4 pm Main Book Sale
You'll find books on every topic in the world among the
tens of thousands of items we're offering, with prices way below what used book stores charge.
Paperbacks are 50 cents and up, and hardcovers are $1.00 and up. You
can pick up a ticket as early as 8 am at the main book sale room to reserve your place in the line
that forms prior to the 11 am opening, but no ticket is needed to get in.
Featured sales books for May include:
Beautiful Books for Mother's Day Gifts Children's Books Cats * Cookbooks Harvard Classics Large-format
Art Books
Military History "Opera News" Quilting Shakespeare
And much, much more!
4000 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto Near the northwest end of the Cubberley Community Center
information on the sales Donate
your old books
All proceeds go to help Palo Alto libraries.
Friends Receive Another $20,000 for Technology |
We'd like to thank the Palo Alto Cable Co-op for
presenting us with an additional $20,000 in
April for more online resources and modernized software for library users.
This brings the total Cable Co-op Legacy Grant awarded to our 9
Libraries Project to $422,000. Two online resources
funded by the grant are already available for your use right now
from home, school, office, or at a library.
One is the entire
New York Times from
its first issue in 1851 up through 2001 and the other is the
Opposing Viewpoints collection of articles that cover both
sides of current controversies. Just click on the links in
this article and have your Palo Alto library card handy.
If you don't have a Palo Alto library card, any California
resident can obtain one just by stopping in at a
Palo Alto library branch. |
Grant from Weekly Holiday Fund to Increase Tutoring |
We're very happy to announce
that the Friends of the Palo Alto Library was awarded a $4,000 grant from
the Palo Alto Weekly Holiday Fund to establish a new afternoon tutoring
program at the Main Library for the 2004-2005 school year. The Friends
sponsor an afternoon tutor at the Mitchell Park Library, serving primarily
students from the nearby Jane Lathrop Stanford Middle School. The
Weekly's grant will allow us to fund one day a week for a similar tutor at
the Main Library to serve students from Jordan Middle School, as well as
others who come by. We'd like to thank all the members of the Friends
and of the library who helped us write and obtain this grant and the Palo
Alto Weekly Holiday Fund for their recognition of the importance of libraries to
helping young people.
Library Closed for Training and
Memorial Day |
Palo Alto City Library will be closed on Friday, May 14 until 2 pm
for staff training and then again all day on May 31 for the Memorial
Day holiday. |
Suggestions? |
We're always eager to hear your suggestions for ways to
improve our book sale. Please email them to us at
or mention them to a volunteer at the sale.
Sale Overflows with New Donations |
Now that we've expanded to our largest size ever at Cubberley, even more book donations are flowing in.
In April alone, we received about 16,000 donated items, which we
quickly sorted and put out for this upcoming sale. Our donations
come from individuals, estates, and companies all over the area, as well as from the
Palo Alto Library. Many people drop off donations at their
library branches, which accept up to one bag or box per day per
person. Other people bring books by the carload to our
main book sale room at Cubberley. We even had someone
recently mail in books all the way from Quincy, Massachusetts.
While you're at the sale, take a peek at the sorting room just
inside the main room's entrance and you'll see how big our
behind-the-scenes donation processing has become.
Information on how to donate items to us.
Community Forum Brings Lots of Ideas for Library |
with pictures) Last week's forum on
"Taking Palo Alto's Library to the Next Level" brought together
Palo Alto's new Library Director Paula Simpson and more than 60 people from all over our community. After
describing her background, Paula asked the group for suggestions as
to how to improve the libraries. This being Palo Alto, she got lots of ideas,
Keep lots of branches .. or have even more!
Expand evening hours
Expand morning hours
Expand weekend hours
Have more convenient places to plug in laptops to get
Internet access and power
Continue having a friendly staff
Join Link+ to facilitate the exchange of books with other
Bay Area libraries
Unify searches so that you can check the library, Google,
Amazon, and online library resources all at once
Join collectives, such as the Santa Clara County Library
Offer more resources to teens and young adults
Coordinate with school libraries to handle kids working on
homework during afternoons
Have more books-on-tape at the Main Library
Put out tax forms, with a sign saying not to ask the
librarians for assistance
Return to having tax forms available for copying
Increase collections
Get more space for the collections or be more efficient in
using space
Let more people know about all the available resources
Expand the Downtown Library, both in size and hours
Have the Friends of the Palo Alto Library host more public
Have more online periodicals and journals
Coordinate better with the schools
Promote books that relate to Art Center and school
Become a model for how libraries can cooperate with schools
Share facilities with the schools, such as having the public
be able to use the Gunn library at night
Keep communicating with the schools
Have more computers and reference materials at the Downtown
Collaborate with others to get less-expensive online
Have little TVs with headsets so customers can watch or
preview tapes
Paula then asked how the libraries could fund these
improvements, which garnered:
Get City Council members to visit the libraries, so they'll
be more supportive
Have the City Council choose whether to have neighborhood or
centralized resources, so the libraries needn't debate this
Have neighborhood libraries attract more children, so as to
increase community support
Have a column in the Palo Alto Weekly that discusses new library
Tap companies in the Stanford Industrial Park for financial
support and other resources
Use more volunteers in the library
Have a new bond measure
Hire a grant writer
Encourage more corporate philanthropy
Find solutions to criticisms of Measure D before asking for
a new bond
Have a library-only bond measure
Include operating costs in new bond/tax measures
Emphasize the importance of libraries prior to the bond
Encourage the state to lower the threshold for bond passage
Ask wealthy donors to help out more
With so many active library supporters at the meeting, it was a
very productive and energizing event. We'd like to thank
all the community members who attended as well as Paula, her staff, and the Friends' Events, Membership, and
Publicity committees for all their efforts to make it happen.
Palo Alto Weekly article.
Library Loosens Limits |
As of May 1, the Palo Alto
library is lending videotapes for three weeks at a time, which is the same
as for most other items. Prior to May 1, you had to return or renew
videotapes after just one week. DVDs are still checked out for just one
week, but may be renewed.
The library has also relaxed limits on the number of items you can check out.
While you can have only two DVDs and two books on CD at a time, you can
borrow up to 999 of all other items. That seems like enough to keep
even the most avid library users happy. |
Book Group Picks New Selections |
The Friends sponsor a lively monthly book group that meets on the
second Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm to 9 pm in the Fireside Room at the Lucy Stern Community Center. The group has just chosen the
books to read for the next year, which are sure to be fascinating.
Click on each book title below to read the Amazon review.
More information.
Date |
Title and
Author |
May 13, 2004 |
Middlesex, by
Jeffrey Eugenides |
June 10, 2004 |
The Catcher in
the Rye, by J.D. Salinger |
July 8, 2004 |
Empire Falls, by Richard Russo |
August 12, 2004 |
Reading Lolita in Tehran, by Azar Nafisi |
September 9, 2004 |
Ten Little Indians, by Sherman Alexie |
October 14, 2004 |
Bury Me Standing: The Gypsies and their Journey, by Isabel Fonseca |
??, 2004 |
Old School, by Tobias Wolff |
December 9, 2004 |
The Book of Salt, by Monique Truong |
January 13, 2005 |
On Gold Mountain, by Lisa See |
February 10, 2005 |
The Spiral Staircase: My Climb out of Darkness, by Karen Armstrong |
March 10, 2005 |
The Anatomy of Hope, by Jerome Groopman |
April 14, 2005 |
Pick the next 11 books |