Saturday, August 13 10 am - 4 pm Main Room opens at 11 am
Sunday, August 14 1 pm - 4 pm
Main Book Room Sale
In our main room, prices are way below what used bookstores charge.
Paperbacks are 50 cents and up, and hardcovers are $1.00 and up. This
room opens at 11 am on Saturday (one hour after the other rooms), but you can
reserve your place in the line that forms by picking up one or two tickets as early as 8 am.
No ticket is needed to get in.
Children's Books in K6
Room K6 in the K wing (see
map) is entirely filled with children's books
and toys. You'll find picture books,
school age fiction, award winners, non-English titles, and books for parents and teachers,
many for under $1.
Bargain Books in K7
Next door in K7 is the bargain room, where paperbacks
are 50 cents, hardcovers
are $1.00, and children's books are just 25 cents each. Pay just half of that in the bargain room after 12:30 pm on
Saturday and all day on Sunday. On Sunday, you can also buy grocery
bags in the bargain room for $5 and fill them with books.
Featured items for August
Books on:
Art * Aviation
Charles Dickens
Classics * Communism
Cookbooks * Depression
House Repair Knitting * Medieval Arts
Rock and Roll
Russian Literature (in Russian)
Sewing * Stitching
Autographed Books
Children's Book Posters
Collectible Children's Books
And much, much more!
4000 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto Near the northwest end of the Cubberley Community Center
information on the sales Donate
your old books
All proceeds go to help Palo Alto libraries.
Suggestions? |
We're always eager to hear your suggestions for ways to
improve our book sale. Please email them to us at
or mention them to a volunteer at the sale. |
Giveaways at the Sale |
Not that our prices aren't already low, but there are often free books just
inside the entrance and exit doors of the Main Room. This month, we
are giving away copies of Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt, Eat
More, Weigh Less by Dean Ornish, M.D., A Man in Full by Tom Wolfe,
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt, Enter the
Zone by Barry Sears, Ph.D., and Full Catastrophe Living by Jon
Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D.
There are boxes of free three-ring binders at the entrance to the
Main Room and dozens of free four-inch wide magazine boxes in the Bargain Room
patio. All free items are in limited quantity and go to the first
takers. |
More Looks at Books |
many people enjoyed looking at preview pictures of our bookshelves
that we've taken some new photographs. Click
here to
glimpse many of our shelves and get a head start on what you'll find at this
weekend's sale. |
Members Get in Early in September |
Here's an advanced notice for next month, when members of the
Friends of the Palo Alto Library will be admitted early to the Main Room
sale. On Saturday, September 10, life members will get in at 9 am and can
purchase up to 50 books during that hour. At 10 am, the rest of our
members will be admitted and everyone can buy the usual 12 books at a time.
At 11 am, the public will be admitted. The 12 books at a time limit will
expire at noon.
The tickets given out in September will be for the 10 am line, since most
people who come early are members of the Friends. Each member will get
just one ticket, although members at the $25 through $250 levels get to
bring in their families.
Regular membership in the Friends
is only $15 ($10
for students and seniors, $25 for families) and is tax-deductible.
Members also receive a discount coupon for the sale, discounts at local bookstores,
and eligibility for the Stanford Federal Credit Union. If you're
not a member, avoid delay at the September sale by joining
right now. |
Thanks for the Bags |
Thanks to all who brought paper grocery bags to last month's sale, as we really
need them. Please keep bringing any spare bags you have. Just
hand them to us when you pick up your ticket at the Main Book room line or
as you enter any booksale room. |
$1 Million to Library |
So where do all the proceeds from the booksale go? On August 10,
2005, the Friends of the Palo Alto Library board voted to give the library
$112,314 for over 3,000 new books, 1,400 new DVDs, numerous events for
children and teens, online encyclopedias, staff appreciation gifts, and
more. The new books and DVDs will go to the College Terrace, Downtown,
Main, and Mitchell Park branches, but not to the Children's Library, which
is closing soon for two years of repairs and expansion. Over a
two-year period, our organization's grants and allocations to Palo Alto
libraries total more than $1,072,600,
with about half going to the Children's Library project. We thank all of our
wonderful customers, donors, and hard-working volunteers
for making this possible. |
Library to Survey Users |
On Monday, August 1, the Palo Alto City Council approved spending up to $35,000
for a random survey of city residents about existing and potential library services.
The telephone survey will be conducted in the fall with results reported to the Council
in March 2006.
Council members raised the concern that the survey might
generate just a huge wish list of requests that would then prove unaffordable.
A $49.1 million library bond measure to expand the Children's Library and build
a new library/community center at Mitchell Park failed in 2002, despite focus
groups showing Palo Altans favored such improvements. As a result, the
council urged the Library Advisory Commission and Library Director to include
survey questions to help gauge people's willingness to pay in general, although a
separate poll will also be taken before any actual measure is placed on the ballot.
See the
Palo Alto Weekly article. |
See What's New at the Library |
You can now see online lists
of the latest books and DVDs added by the library on the catalog's
Bestsellers & Other Lists tab. For example, the library added
107 adult fiction and 342 adult non-fiction titles in July, plus 221 DVDs
for both children and adults. This same tab also gives the San
Francisco Chronicle bestselling fiction and non-fiction lists. In
general, you can read reviews and even excerpts for all these books and
instantly place a hold on items that aren't at your branch or are already
checked out. |
Check Out Old Magazines |
Although the Palo Alto library offers back issues of over 10,000
different magazines online, you can now also check out back issues at the
branches just like books and other items for the usual four weeks period.
You can also renew these items online. See
library press release. |
Library to Close for Labor Day Holiday |
Palo Alto libraries will be closed on Monday, September 5 for the Labor
Day Holiday. Of course, even when the library is closed, you can continue to use the
online catalog
online magazine subscriptions, encyclopedias, and other databases.
Plus, people have also been spotted outside branches after hours using wireless
laptops to connect to the Internet, since the radio signals go through the
exterior walls. |