Saturday July 12 10 am - 4 pm
Main Room opens at 11 am
Sunday July 13 1 pm - 4 pm
Featured topics for
Bohemian Club Plays
Book Arts • Books on Books
Caldecott & Newbery Winners (Children's Room)
Calligraphy • CDs • Classics
Collectibles • Corpus Juris Secundum (A-Z)
Curious & Tiny Books • DVDs
Foreign Languages • Gaming
Games & Puzzles • Gourmet Cooking
Judaica • Local Book Group Selections
Modern Literature • Mysteries
130 Player Piano Rolls
Political Biography
Railroad Technical Manuals
Rolling Stone Magazines
Rock & Roll
Science Fiction (Frank Herbert,
Anne McCaffrey, and Steven King)
Sociology • Staff Picks
And over 50,000 other items
4000 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto Northwest corner of the Cubberley Community Center
More information on the sales
Donate your old books
Main Book Room Sale
In our Main Room, prices are way below what used book stores charge. Paperbacks are 50 cents and up, and
hardcovers are $1 and up. Numbered tickets for the Main Room are given out
beginning at 8 am on Saturday. These reserve your place in the line that
forms before the 11 am opening. You may pick up a ticket for yourself and
for one other person.
Children's Books in K6
Room K6 in the K wing (see
map) is
entirely filled with children's books and toys. You'll find picture books,
school age fiction, award winners, non-English titles, and books for parents and
teachers, many for under $1. This room and the Bargain Room open at 10 am
on Saturday.
Bargain Books in K7
Next door in K7 is the Bargain Room, where paperbacks
are 50 cents, hardcovers are $1, and children's books are just 25 cents each.
The room also contains many LP records and 78s at $1 each. All items are
half off after 12:30 pm on Saturday and all day on Sunday. On Sunday, you
can also buy grocery bags in the Bargain Room for $5 and fill them with books.
Libraries Close for Heat |
High heat and lack of air conditioning closed Palo Alto's Main,
Mitchell Park, and College Terrace libraries mid-afternoon
yesterday (July 8). Those libraries will reopen today at regular
hours, but anticipated higher temperatures over the next two days means more
closures are possible. We recommend visiting the libraries early in the day or using the
air-conditioned Downtown and Children's branches. |
Non-Profit Book Giveaway |
Non-profit organizations and schools that need free books should come to the
Bargain Room this month from 4 to 6 pm on Sunday, July 13.
Please bring grocery bags to put books into.
More information. |
Suggestions? |
We're always eager to hear your suggestions for ways to
improve our book sale. Please email them to us at
or mention them to a volunteer at the sale. |
Shelf Preview Pictures Now Take You Inside Books |
Some of the most remarkable books at our monthly booksale look plain
on the outside, but have marvelous illustrations, maps, typography, and even
decorative papers within. It's hard during a sale to open these and see
what's inside, so we've added some photos
of the interiors of interesting books to our regular shelf preview pictures.
We hope you enjoy leisurely looking through these exciting offerings before the
The example on the left is from the An Illustrated History of Southern California,
printed in the 1890s
by the Lewis Publishing Company, which features wonderful photographs of
long-ago buildings. See
more of the actual pages.
You'll find this book in our Old Books section in the northeast corner of the
Main Room.
Perrault's Fairy Tales is filled with wonderful color illustrations
such as this one of Cinderella fleeing the ball. See
pages from this book, which sells for just $10 and is located on the red
cart just by the entrance to the Main Room. |
Preview Other Shelves |
all the shelf preview
pictures of our Main room this month, giving you an advance peek at some of the tens of
thousands of interesting books available at this
weekend's sale. |
Signed Franklin Library Editions |
One especially nice donation we received recently are about 30
fiction and non-fiction Franklin Library signed editions (see
the pictures), which are very popular with
collectors. These volumes are located on the Specials shelves across
from the cashiers in the Main Room and sell for $25 to $30 each. |
Library Bond Update |
Artist's view of the proposed Main Library interior |
Palo Alto's City Council voted Monday night to proceed with
plans to ask voters for approximately $75 million on the November ballot to improve three Palo Alto
libraries. As part of that effort, the Council opted to use the
highest energy efficiency standards for the proposed new Mitchell Park Library
and Community Center and to exclude $1.5 million for earlier project costs
from the bond measure.
A poll in June found that 65% of 600 likely Palo Alto voters supported the proposed measure
after hearing both pro and con arguments. This falls slightly short of
the required 2/3 supermajority and the polling firm of Fairbank, Maslin,
Maullin & Associates cautions that support tends to drift downward as an
election nears. However, they found support was slightly higher
than in 2007, when the project was estimated to cost just $45 million and
the economy was stronger. The poll's margin of error is +/- 4%.
A bond measure in November 2002 to replace the Mitchell Park Library and
Community Center and rebuild the Children's Library narrowly failed to reach the
2/3 level with 61.5% voting yes. The recent poll showed considerable
support for Palo Alto's five libraries. 58% of those polled had visited
the Main Library in the last year, while 53% had used Mitchell Park, 25%
Downtown, 24% Children's, and 13% College Terrace. In fact, the polling
found that 10% of the electorate would switch from voting yes to no in November
if the Downtown Library improvements were excluded, even though this would save
$4 million. Among 24 possible improvements for the library system,
the top choice was that all buildings be earthquake-safe, with 78% of likely
voters rating this as extremely or very important. Providing safe places
for children, expansion of the collection, facilities for homework help, and
accessibility for disabled persons ranked next. The least popular
improvements (as measured by the percentage rating these as extremely or very
important) were building a new Mitchell Park Library and Community Center and
spaces for community meetings, with only 29% strongly in favor of the latter.
City staff will work on the official language for the bond measure in the next
weeks for the council to approve by August and a large
voter education effort
is already underway. See the
poll results, recent
articles about the council decision (Palo Alto
Weekly and
Palo Alto Daily News), the city's
project website, our quick views of the
proposed designs, and previous coverage on our
news pages. |
New Online Resources Train and Entertain |
The Palo Alto Library is replacing many
traditional reference materials with free online
resources, which generally are available instantaneously 24/7 from
home, office, and classroom, consume no valuable library space, don't require
separate copies for each branch, and can be
updated as needed. The Friends of the Palo Alto Library has given over
$100,000 in recent years to increase the library's online resources, thanks in
part to a Cable Co-op Legacy Grant.
One such new resource is the
LearningExpress Library,
which offers beginning, intermediate, and often advanced online instruction for
the following popular software programs:
Adobe Acrobat 6.0
Internet Explorer
Microsoft Access 2003 and 2007
Microsoft Excel 2000, 2002, 2003, and 2007
Microsoft Outlook 98, 2000, 2002, 2003, and 2007
Microsoft PowerPoint 1997, 2000, 2002, 2003, and 2007
Microsoft Word 1997, 2000, 2002, 2003, and 2007
Windows Vista
If you enjoy listening to audio books, the
NetLibrary eAudio collection has over 3,000 downloadable titles for your PC
and MP3 (but not iPod or Zune) players. That's one title a day for 12 years
of commuting!
The audio books topics include popular fiction and non-fiction, business, government and
politics, mystery and suspense, romance, and even foreign language instruction, ranging from Albanian to Vietnamese.
The TellMeMore
online resource is another way to learn or practice languages. It provides
intensive instruction in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish
and actually can help you improve your pronunciation by listening to you through a microphone.
Many other online resources are available from the Palo Alto Library, including Nolo Press
self-help books, back issues of thousands of magazines and newspapers, homework
assistance, local history, and statistical databases. See the
comprehensive list. |